Hiring Youtube Influencers
The cryptocurrency market is like the Wild West. It’s difficult, harsh but potentially quite lucrative if you make the right moves.
MoonRunner has been established because of the sheer number of shady bad actors in the crypto space looking to capitalize on the ignorance of crypto speculators through means of influencers through out the world.
We are cryptocurrency enthusiasts, passionate about the space and what it means for the future of our world both from a financial perspective but a technological perspective as well. A seas of opportunity stares us all in the face and now is the time to capitalize as we prepare for whats to come.
As such, we believe honest cryptocurrency projects deserve a chance to prove they belong at the forefront of the headlines in the media and to do that costs Bitcoin. Projects that have achieved a level of growth to provide them with the funds needed to hire influencers and spread their message already have one leg up on the competition. Does your technology have what it takes to become number one? We can help you find out.
Hiring one of our influencers is simple. Simply contact one of our booking agents with information related to your project and your Bitcoin budget and we will put together a plan according to your timelines within which we will initiate a campaign to educate the public on your efforts. We do not guarantee glowlingly positive reviews and we will not present your project in a dishonest way, ever. In accordance to US law, we must also disclose the amount of BTC paid to the influencers involved in the campaign. Our goal isn’t to mislead viewers about projects but to educate them on the how, why and that you exist and let your technology and idea take it from there.
All payments are to be made in advance of delivery of sponsored content and must be paid in either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) or Cardano (ADA).
Thank you for considering MoonRunner as your talent agency and we look forward to hearing from you.